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My Work With What's Poppin LA

What’s Poppin LA is a show on Instagram (@_whatspoppinla) that has artist interviews, insights, and more! We feature some of the latest topics regarding Hip-Hop/Pop culture. A platform hosted by Angie (@xo_yours.truly), she gives independent artists an opportunity to speak on/showcase their music. Along with artist interviews, digital blogs are also created for the artist that is showcased on various websites.

For this internship, I was required to generate weekly content and publish the content onto the assigned website via WordPress. Weekly blogs typically consisted of 3-5 assigned blog write-ups and 750 -1,250 words per blog. The websites in which I would post these blogs are provided in the links below. Websites other than What's Poppin LA were written under the name of my boss, however, my written content may be found with my name at the beginning of the write-ups.


What's Poppin LA 

Kalisha Perera 

The Grind Magazine

Letter of recommendation written by the CEO may be located here


Angie Churn (CEO)

CEO/Host of What's Poppin LA. She has conducted over 250 interviews with up and coming artist, establishes rapport with clients and potential sponsors. She has also created a segment “WHAT’S POPPIN THIS WEEK” where she post current events that happen throughout the week. Has her very own website to sell WHAT’S POPPIN LA merchandise, and ultimately maintains a professional relationship with all those that were interviewed.

Angie Churn 1.jpg


CEO / Team First Finds The Artists


Interview Process

The What's Poppin LA team contacts artists to later conduct an interview through In-Person, live online video, or email. The written Q&A interview is later sent to interns including myself to later format the interview Q&A transcript into a written blog later to be posted on any of the websites the CEO instructs us to publish on; 

Artist Name: Tray Cal


Blogs Assigned Emailed By CEO

Email Is Assigned To Intern (Me)

Email Is Then Written and Formatted

Written Interview Is Then Posted To Website




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Websites That Are Posted On The Following Websites:

The end product is always showcased on the following websites. Where fans & the public may interact with the show. This allows each artist to be professionally showcased so they may achieve the ability to reach a larger audience as well as to continuously grow their fanbase.

The Grind Magazine

Kalisha Perera

What's Poppin Los Angeles

The Grind Magazine.PNG
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